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Medical technology and diagnostics

With its wealth of data, ideal environment for testing, and well-established digital health cluster, Scotland is the location of choice for innovative medtech solutions.

Did you know?

Scotland is home to one of the largest life sciences clusters in Europe. It employs over 9000 highly skilled people working in medical technology roles in over 200 companies, including therapeutic devices, imaging and diagnostics, surgical and clinical equipment and personal care.

  • Established location

    Medtech manufacturing is well-established in Scotland, attracting multinationals and startups alike.

  • A highly skilled workforce

    More than 23,000 university graduates every year in biological sciences, engineering and technology and medicine allied subjects.

  • World-class research

    Scotland ranks among the top three for research productivity and impact.

Medical technology for the future

Help us change the world

Scotland has a rich history of medical innovation and a reputation as a premier manufacturing location. It’s this combination that has seen it become a world leader in the development of technology-led health solutions.

On top this, Scotland has a comprehensive supply chainopens in a new window, innovation centres with a reputation for excellence and a robust e-health records system that provides an invaluable data resource for research and development. There are opportunities to collaborate with the NHS in Scotland to jointly develop new innovations, and efficiencies to improve quality-of-life by tackling real-world health challenges.

These are just a few of the reasons that many global medtech leaders, such as such as Canon Medical Research Europe, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Nikon and Thermo Fisher, have already chosen Scotland as the place to grow.

What Scotland can offer your medtech company

Join a community with innovation at its heart

Scotland is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the development and deployment of telehealth and telecare. In fact, over 80,000 patients already participate in government-funded telecare and telehealth projects, thanks to the Scottish Government’s commitment to digital healthcare. This creates a wealth of funded opportunities for businesses to collaborate with Scotland's national health service and develop novel technologies that benefit all.

With six of Scotland's innovation centres directly aligned to this sector, along with a host of specialised centres of excellence, you'll have access to a well- established ecosystem.

Scotland's innovation centres can provide support, expertise and dedicated facilities across a range of research themes such as precision medicine, digital health, sensors and data.

More about innovation in Scotland 

Access the skills and talent you need

Scotland’s 2.6 million-strong workforce is internationally recognised as one of the best trained, most reliable and cost-competitive labour forces in the world. With 19 universities, 27 further education institutions and a high ratio of graduates per capita, Scotland surpasses most countries of comparable size in Europe.

By choosing Scotland, you'll find a cohort of ambitious, passionate and globally connected leaders and have access to over 9000 highly skilled people in medtech roles and over 23,000 university graduates every year in biological sciences, engineering and technology and medicine allied subjects.

Help to access Scotland’s talent 

Benefit from ongoing support

When you locate in Scotland, you’ll become part of a diverse and supportive community. With a range of companies already developing products and services to grow the medtech industry, Scotland can provide all aspects of a fully comprehensive supply chain for your product development, manufacturing, supply and distribution.

You’ll find a solid ecosystem of incubators, accelerators and science parks across the country, many of which are conveniently located near to major hospitals and integrated with our universities. For medtech companies, this is an inspiring environment to spark ideas and find like-minded talent.

How we can help 

Spotlight on EnMovi

Medtech firm EnMovi (the latest venture from US-based parent company OrthoSensor Inc.) has chosen Glasgow to advance its development of cutting-edge orthopaedic sensors and data analytics. The company has received £2.5 million R&D support from Scottish Enterprise and will use a new £8 million R&D base at University of Strathclyde to work on its products.

EnMovi will benefit greatly through co-location with similar businesses. It will also benefit from close collaboration with the university's academics, world-leading research and highly skilled talent it produces in health tech.

Early 2021, in recognition of the exciting innovative work being undertaken by OrthoSensor and EnMovi, both companies were acquired by, Stryker Inc, one of the world’s leading medical technology companies.

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  • Thermo Fisher expansion plans

    Thermo Fisher Scientific is expanding its manufacturing capacity in Perth, Scotland to meet future global demands for Covid-19 testing and sample collection, creating 200 new jobs.

  • Scotland's digital health stars

    Scotland’s smartest healthtech companies are meeting the demand for innovative tech solutions for health, supporting global healthcare providers and improving patients' lives worldwide.

  • Diagnostic testing solutions 

    Scotland's life sciences community supported international efforts in Covid-19 testing, research and supply. Another great example of how the thriving sector is making a difference across the world. 

Need help?

If you have a question about medtech and diagnostics opportunities in Scotland, our team of advisers can help.