Our partners and networks
We'll connect you to the right people, in the right place and at the right time. We support the building of partnerships and collaborations, and our connections provide a powerful business network. With access to both the private and public sector and supply chain companies, we can help you make the right connections for your business to flourish in Scotland.
We can help you make the right connections
Public sector services
Industry contacts
Academia and research
Government economic agencies
Our public sector economic agencies – Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, and South of Scotland Enterprise – can offer local expertise and guidance to help you get set up, as well as ongoing support once you’re here.
This can include:
- Funding for research and development (R&D), exporting, improving productivity and more
- Advice about exporting, training, efficiency and growth
- Access to resources, templates and market research
- Business events and webinars
Business support at Scottish Enterprise opens in a new window
Business support at Highlands and Islands Enterprise opens in a new window
Business support at South of Scotland Enterprise opens in a new window
Skills Development Scotland
Scotland’s national skills agency, Skills Development Scotland opens in a new window , helps businesses around the world discover what Scotland’s talent can do for them – before, during and after you locate to Scotland.
Access to a suitably skilled workforce will be one of the primary considerations in your planned growth and investment strategy. Scotland's education and skills system is both flexible and responsive to ensure our people can offer the right skills for you at the right time.
Get tailored support to help identify your skills needs and how best to meet them, including:
- How to attract the new recruits your business needs now
- How to find the best college and university graduates
- Establishing a vocational work-based learning programme to sustain your business in the future
There are opportunities to help shape Scotland’s skills system, engage with young people in our schools, and take on apprentices so you can grow your own talent.
Find out how Scotland's digital talent can benefit your business
TalentScotland - international recruitment support
There’s a wide pool of existing talent in Scotland, thanks to our excellent education system and thriving business economy. However, we want to make sure that businesses aren’t limited only to the talent they can find in Scotland.
TalentScotland helps to make sure that the best talent is available to Scottish companies and investors. They help to:
- Attract talented individuals to Scotland
- Help overseas businesses navigate the immigration system and bring employees with them
- Help businesses in Scotland (including overseas businesses that have set up in Scotland) attract and recruit international talent
- Provide immigration information, guidance and updates to individuals, businesses and overseas investors
GlobalScot network
Our worldwide network of entrepreneurial and inspirational business leaders can help your business in Scotland thrive and become more profitable in international markets. GlobalScot provides business and leadership support, as well as valuable industry insight.

Industry bodies and suppliers
Our teams have in-depth knowledge of the different industries in Scotland, meaning we can help you make connections with industry bodies, suppliers and other businesses. These connections can be vital in helping you get set up and access the network of support and services available.
Ask us about finding contacts with industry
Universities and colleges
In Scotland, academia, industry and government work closely together to support economic growth and innovation. In fact, many of our innovation centres and centres of excellence include or are situated near universities, colleges and research centres. As a result, Scotland is top in the UK when it comes to equity investment in university spinouts.
If you need to access the expertise, facilities or graduates that universities can offer, we can help you make the right connections.
Ask us about contacts with universities and colleges
Innovation centres and centres of excellence
These centres facilitate collaborations between universities, businesses and research institutes, powering Scotland’s commitment to invention and discovery in our key economic sectors.
Industry events and webinars
Networking events and inward trade missions are an ideal platform to engage with potential Scottish partners and make new connections to grow your business.
Scottish Enterprise and its partners run various dynamic events throughout the year, where you can engage with Scottish businesses around a specific objective. These are a great way to make connections and build your network.
Business events at Scottish Enterprise opens in a new window

Scotland stand and meeting space at international event
Getting to know Scotland
We’re known for being a dynamic and inclusive nation, our people are friendly, passionate and innovative, we boast a fantastic cultural programme and enjoy a great work-life balance. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that millions of people from all over the world choose to visit, live, study, work and invest in Scotland.
We work with the Scottish Government, VisitScotland, and Universities Scotland to tell the authentic story of Scotland as a bold and positive country, rich in history and heritage but forging ahead in a way that is progressive, pioneering and inclusive.
Scotland is a country that is challenging new thinking, inviting new investment, creating new opportunities, supporting new industry and driving technology that embraces humanity around the globe. Discover the stories that make Scotland the place to be – to visit, live, work, study and invest.
More about how we can help your business
Expand your business in Scotland
Once you're set up in Scotland, our support and the support from our partners doesn't end. Find out more about the ongoing support and opportunities available to help you expand.
Our global offices
We've got offices in 30 locations around the world. Working with our local contacts in your area means you can get direct support from someone who understands your business and needs.
Trade with Scotland
Looking to buy Scottish goods and services? We can connect you to companies in science and technology, energy and low carbon, and consumer industries.