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Checking international qualifications

To ensure you attract qualified international professionals to your organisation, you should check whether a potential employee’s qualifications are right for the job. Get advice from UK ENIC — the official source of information on overseas qualifications and education systems in the UK.

Why you should check qualifications

It’s important that you can make an informed decision about whether a potential employee’s qualifications are appropriate for the job. This can sometimes be challenging if the person’s qualifications are from outside the UK. 

Qualifications advice from ENIC

UK ENIC can help you compare overseas qualifications with the equivalent levels in the UK. It provides advice on vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from countries around the world.

Or, you might want to direct an international applicant to ENIC. The applicant can ask ENIC for an assessment that they can then provide to you. After making an evaluation, ENIC can provide a letter of comparability identifying the UK equivalents of your potential employee’s qualifications.

How to apply

As an employer, you can access the ENIC online database of evaluations by country. It provides a list of all the qualifications and their associated UK equivalents.  Or, you can submit the individual’s qualifications for evaluation.

In order to access these services, you'll need to purchase a membership package. ENIC offers different services packages to suit your organisation’s needs.

Your potential employee can apply online and send the supporting documents to the ENIC in the UK. They’ll also need to pay a processing fee.

Information about ENIC’s services, fees and processing times is provided on its website.

Find out more on the UK ENIC websiteopens in a new window 

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