Mitsubishi marks 30 years in Livingston
06 Jul 2023 • 5 minute read
Location, talent, and engineering skill — discover why Mitsubishi set up in Scotland in 1993 and how things have evolved.

It’s 30 years since Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioning Systems Europe Ltd (M-ACE) opened its Scottish premises in Livingston. Learn how the manufacturing plant continues to evolve through investment and support from Scottish Development International (SDI).
Thirty years of growth
Spanning 100,000 square meters, M-ACE has six main production-related centres and employs around 1900 people. Since opening, the operational environment has changed significantly and the company is investing heavily to make the site capable of mass customisation.
The product mix has also changed over the last three decades to reflect market demands. Nowadays, it's largely centred around net zero.
The largest product range manufactured on the site is a renewable energy system. It's used to generate hot water, and heating/cooling, through air-sourced heat pump technology. These products supply the whole of the UK and the main EU markets.
A collaborative and supportive network
M-ACE has enjoyed support from various Scottish public agencies over the years.
The importance of the collaborative relationship and support between the company and SDI was recognised through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Nov 2021 which formalised both party's intent to align with each other's ambitions.
Over the years there have been many valuable initiatives and projects carried out between the two companies — the most recent is the SMART Factory project. The result? Good green jobs and more investment in R&D activities which will boost future international trade and contribute to lower carbon levels.
Applying Scotland's strengths
The success of the last 30 years in Livingston are thanks, in large part, to Scotland's varied strengths.
Geographically, Scotland has provided the company with access to domestic and EU markets. Its engineering heritage has also been important in adapting to the many challenges over the years, so much so that M-ACE opened an R&D centre as part of its Livingston facility.
This R&D centre — MERCE — collaborates with the universities in Scotland’s central belt. While M-ACE is a global organisation with a global mindset, it explores the use of local supply chains when possible.
This has been especially important to the company in the context of the race to net zero. Making steps to use local suppliers and talent whenever it can benefits the company’s output, strengthens its alignment to climate goals, and helps the environment.
Making Scotland home
M-ACE recognises the contribution of all its employees past and present throughout the 30 years, and their skills will continue to play a crucial part in the company’s future success. Many come from all over the world and some now call Scotland home.
And according to the Japanese nationals who have made the move here, there's lots in common between Japan and Scotland. They believe the two countries have the same societal values: democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and the market economy.
Day-to-day, many comment on the quality of life in Scotland and enjoy the country’s capacity for kindness, humour, inclusivity, collaboration, and creativity. Indeed, some of the company’s Japanese employees are now permanent residents in Scotland.
Looking to the future
M-ACE continues to invest both in Scotland and globally to meet the expected increase in demand for heat pump products. The company’s ambition is to be the frontrunner in this market.
Continuing to make a positive impact on the creation of quality green jobs in manufacturing, and embedding innovation in all areas, will play a key part in insuring the sustainability of M-ACE in Scotland.
Across all international sites, Mitsubishi is committed to becoming carbon neutral. By 2040, it aims to remove all CO2 emissions from its own operations and achieve net-zero in its entire value chain, including emissions attributed to customers' use of products and services.
Learn more about Mitsubishi Electric's net zero roadmapopens in a new window
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